
Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Couple Who Has 16 Kids Is Pregnant Again

Patty and Carlos Hernández have 16 children and want more. This large family that resides in North Carolina, United States, has surprised the world with its most recent statement.

Although they work around the clock to earn approximately $900 a week to support their young children, the couple wants to have more children, whose names begin with the letter C, after their father. They are Cristina, Carla, Caleb, Carola, Camila, Catherine, Carolina, Celeste, Calvin, Caylen, Charlotte, Crystal, Carlos, Clayton, Cristian, and Christopher.

The story was shown on Telemundo's Hoy Día program, in which Patty said that the work of raising 16 children has been difficult. “But thank God, we always get ahead with them. There is no order at all, while some cry, others are running everywhere; I would go crazy alone, my husband is always with me,” said the mother, who also assured me that Carlos is a good father. “God has blessed me a lot with him because he helps me in everything,” she said.

Although the work is complex, the couple has a routine to care for their 16 children. “We get up at 5:00 in the morning, we get them ready, we give them breakfast, then we go to school that is 10 minutes from our house, then we come back and start dealing with the little ones. We wash our clothes three times a day, a week there are more than twenty,” said Patty.  

With so many tasks to do at home, the woman assures that she does not rest, even though she has the support of her older children.

So far, Patty and Carlos have three sets of twins. “All have been natural births, except one of the twins who was born by cesarean. They have also been very healthy, but once they all got sick to their stomachs, that was a nightmare, the house was like a hospital,” Patty said with a laugh.

As it is not a common case, everyone who knows the history of this family is amazed. “I always get a lot of questions about it, including do we want more, and we do, especially children, we need them,” Patty said.

The mobilization of this large family is also quite an odyssey, although only for the current members. “We have an 18-passenger bus, where each child has an assigned seat.”

The couple sometimes forgets the birthdays of their 16 children, but yes, every month there is cake to celebrate their lives. "Be patient with your children, and put God first," was the message Patty sent to all mothers on her day from her.

The most important thing for Carlos and Patty Hernández is to raise their children in the Christian faith. "We take them to church, we teach them the word of God so that they are good people," they say.

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