Sunday, April 24, 2022

Friends That You Should Avoid On Facebook

Not all Facebook friend requests came out of love, friendship, or relationship. A lot of them are CCTV cameras in disguise. Help me tell your neighbor, that they are monitoring you 😁

Some people have been on your friend list for more than 5years, they don't post, they don't comment, they don't like or share, they don't chat and they are not dead, yet online 24hrs. These are the silent monitoring team. I was shocked when I met someone who said we are friends on Facebook, I said really? He said yes No, though I just dey look everybody and is been 6years we became friends..... 👀

Some people are professional picture zoomers. No matter how massive your pictures are, they will view them one by one and end up liking or commenting on the bad, funny, or preferred pictures. No matter how long your videos are they will view them patiently but will never comment, like, or share. I was surprised when a pastor told me how some people always carry their phones after Sunday service and start to zoom the Sunday pictures of everyone and no matter the crowd zooming they can tell you the attendance.... 😁

If you believe everyone thinks, understands, and views things like you with maturity, you are a joker. Some of your Facebook friends are low, childish, and have children in thinking. Have you ever posted something on Facebook with good intentions and someone will just twist it? Over the years I have experienced it, It was recently I started correcting them. There are people who will never comment on your posts until you are wrong, They look for faults, errors, or mistakes to correct. They are not your Facebook friends but CCTV cameras.

These are not friends but CCTV cameras.

I commented on a picture month back and within 30 minutes more than 17 pastors have called me to ask questions about my comments. I made a post a few years ago, and more than fifty pastors became my enemies instantly without knowing the reason. These groups are the real Facebook enemies. Don't just bother about them, they have vowed to take you as an enemy. They will never celebrate you, they will never patronize you, they will never recommend you, and they will never comment or share your articles no matter how good it's. They are your real enemies of Facebook, 80% of their messenger messages revolve around you. They have said so many bad things about you that they are now ashamed to relate with you publicly.  

1. Be very careful because a lot of people have been killed, trapped, or setup just because of Facebook posts 

2. Don't post all your achievements on Facebook

3. Read and reread things before posting them because they are looking for your mistakes to discuss 

4. Unfriend people periodically, Don't just believe everyone is your Facebook friend. Unfriend the CCTV cameras so you can have peace of mind.

1. Don't advertise your happy marriage on social media. 
2. Do not advertise pregnancy on social media. 
3. Don't advertise your kid's achievements on social media. 
4. Don't advertise your expensive buys on social media. 

1. Not everyone is going to be happy for you. 
2. Most of the "nice" comments you get are just fake. 
3. You just attract the evil eye on you and your family. 
4. You just attracting jealous people into your life. 
5. You don't know who's saving your picture & checking your updates. 
6. You really need to stop this because it may ruin your life, family, marriage, and career. 

Social media sometimes is the devil's eyes, ears, and mouth, don't fall into the devil's trap. Let a part of your life remain private. 

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