When a person is deep into masturbation, there is a demon that comes to strengthen that masturbation, to make that person continue to masturbate even when they don't feel like it. So if a person masturbates about twice a day when the sin is done over and over again, the demon will come in and that person can start masturbating six times in one single day, even when they don't feel like it.
The person learns to be smart in a very corrupt way to carry out that act of masturbation. He/She will wait for everyone to leave the house or might carry out this sin in the most careless and disgusting way just to satisfy that urge. This is influenced by that demon Serpentine spirit
And now, when that person decides to give up masturbation, it makes the demon furious. The demon will do its best to make sure that the person continues to masturbate, so it goes about sowing corrupt seeds in a person's mind while they dream.
So, your dream of watching naked people or masturbating is actually a demonic seed sown into your mind to stir your subconscious mind to lust after sex, which will eventually lead you back into masturbation.
Usually, when a person quits masturbation, such dreams are bound to occur. It is the work of a demon and not necessarily your fault.
The demon will keep trying its luck to entice you to sin because there (in that sin), it is your master, and has control over you and some of the blessings that belong to you
When you have such dreams, you must sanctify your mind with the word of God because the power of that demon has come over your mind, but you can resist it by meditating on the word of God. That is the remedy to washing away the corrupt seed the demon sowed in your mind.
The plan is to make sure you fall back into masturbation within that day you were shown that dream. Many people usually fall back into masturbation after dreaming such or similar dreams.
Always Meditate on the word of God.
Always Involve yourself deeply in reading the Word of God (5-10 chapters per day). It is the remedy to cleanse your mind.
Remember, you will still come under attacks (by way of temptation) from that spirit. You can go into a fast to strengthen your spirit man. But don't forget to always pray and read the Word of God. Gradually, you will be totally free from the power of masturbation.
That you aren't there yet doesn't mean you're not making progress in struggles over masturbation.
That you had a setback doesn't mean nothing has changed. You have to keep at it. Keep striving till it becomes a thing of the past.
Do not expect that just because you fasted for a few days that it would just leave you forever like that.
Fasting is similar to prayer as Jesus said we ought to pray always and not faint. It's a spiritual exercise that helps to keep you spiritually fit.
And as you know with exercises, when you stop doing them, you begin to lose (spiritual) fitness, and you should know already that the flesh is weak.
So fast as regularly as you could until you get to the point where your spirit has gained more control over your inclinations than your flesh.
There's a point you did even get to where such things would no longer move you anymore or to that extent. Even if you come across such things accidentally, you'd still be able to control yourself and leave there without much difficulty because your spirit has more control over your inclinations.
As I told you, it shouldn't just be about leaving masturbation, but getting closer to God and becoming all He wants you to be.
So you should also study His Word and learn what He requires of you and do them.
I'd recommend the teachings of Jesus to you. Keep those Words and you'd surely become an overcomer of temptations as Jesus was.
When we get saved, our sexual urges don't get saved alongside. It remains active because God wants us to have sex in marriage.
If our urges die, how then are we expected to keep having sex to have plenty of children to fulfill His command "Go into the world and multiply?" 🤷♂️
But, while our urges are intact, He gives us the power of SELF CONTROL. I get urges all the time, but should I act on them? 🤷♂️
Temptation is not a sin, acting on it is. If Satan sees that you are weak in that aspect, the projects arrows of sexual feelings to you.
Satan doesn't make you do anything, he'll throw the corn by suggesting Pornography, and allow you to pick it, but if you walk past his corn? He won't force you.
When we become Born Again, something happens to our Spirits, not to our flesh.
The Lord Jesus used the Wind to describe it. He said, it's like the wind that blows around you, you feel it but can't tell where it's coming from or going, that's how it is when we get born again. Our outer body remains the same when our spirits receive new life and begins to grow.
The Spirit of God takes residence inside of us, but we must activate him willingly before he will act by way of helping us overcome.
Now, Getting Born again is the work of the Holy Spirit, but renewing your mind is your responsibility.
Masturbation comes with lust. Everything that makes you be tempted to touch, should be kept away.
Porn materials project vibes of sex into us so should be avoided. obscenities should be avoided too.
Please don't relax because masturbation is not a temptation but rather a silent serpentine evil spirit 🐍
It always strikes when you felt you have overcome and decided to embark on a spiritual vacation. Even after 3 years, it can still strike 🐍