The spirit of masturbation like I said before does not reside in an individual rather it comes and goes.
So prayers and fasting will only make it stronger because you can fast for 7 days and break your fast with masturbation when it comes.
It is good to understand the two ways in which it comes so that you will avoid it totally and this is what is known as a trigger.
Pictures of immorality, real or imagination, film or photographs, and words or music. Lust is the messenger of masturbation. So if you can handle lust, you can handle masturbation. Lust is the forerunner of masturbation, fornication, and adultery as the case may be.
Note that masturbation does not reside in any individual; it rather comes and goes so it is impossible to stop it through prayers and fasting,
You can only learn how to avoid it by minding what you see, hear, read or listen to, beware of immorality-imposed videos, video musicals, and so on.
In as much as masturbation does not reside, lust resides in the mind of an individual and as a result, this attracts the spirit of Masturbation. After this act of masturbation is completed guilt steps in.
This spirit hates when you are guilty, so he keeps coming till you become ‘unguilty’, but this shall not be your portion in Jesus' name.
God is going to help you out; He is already helping you out through this message tonight in Jesus' name.
Now, your mind needs to be renewed daily with God's word for Lust to finally leave you alone.
This is why I have been encouraging you guys to download and get enough Sermon Audio Ministrations into your phone and keep on listening to them every moment. But unfortunately, many kept subbing for my counsel. May God help you!
Masturbation also comes through Pre-lust which is thoughts of yesteryears that portray immorality.
Masturbation also comes when you are depressed, so decide to rejoice always in Jesus' Name.
You can handle Lust by casting down every imagination on the spot. (2 Corinthians 10:3-5)
You cast it down on the spot. And when you have done that, you ignore it and get busy.
I mean get busy, idleness of the mind can arouse Lust. That is why I had been encouraging you guys to get addicted to writing, edifying spiritual articles, and get involved in online teaching as a teacher but unfortunately, some won't listen.
The reason why when you cast out lust, it still remains is that you do not have enough of God's Word in your heart.
So labor in God's Word, you must be lost in God's Word and his activities to overcome lust which will finally put an end to masturbation. (Romans 12:1)
There are times when the spirit of masturbation just comes on you without the thought of lust, but this is because depression and idleness attracted it.
I pray for you in the name of Jesus, that whatever might be a besetting sin that you are struggling with and making you not be able to run this Christian race is nullified as you take heed to this message in the name of Jesus.
When we get saved, our sexual urges don't get saved alongside. It remains active because God wants us to have sex in marriage.
If our urges die, how then are we expected to keep having sex to have plenty of children to fulfill His command "Go into the world and multiply?"
But, while our urges are intact, He gives us the power of SELF CONTROL. I get urges all the time, but should I act on them?
Temptation is not a sin, acting on it is. If Satan sees that you are weak in that aspect, he projects arrows of sexual feelings to you.
Satan doesn't make you do anything, he'll throw the corn by suggesting Pornography, and allow you to pick it, but if you walk past his corn? He won't force you.
When we become Born Again, something happens to our Spirits, not to our flesh.
The Lord Jesus used the Wind to describe it. He said, it's like the wind that blows around you, you feel it but can't tell where it's coming from or going, that's how it is when we get born again. Our outer body remains the same when our spirits receive new life and begin to grow.
The Spirit of God takes residence inside of us, but we must activate him willingly before he will act by way of helping us overcome.
Now, getting Born again is the work of the Holy Spirit, but renewing your mind is your responsibility.
Masturbation comes with lust. Everything that makes you be tempted to touch, should be kept away.
Porn materials project jibes of sex into us so should be avoided. obscenities should be avoided too.
Please don't relax because masturbation is not a temptation but rather a silent serpentine evil spirit. 🐍
It always strikes when you felt you have overcome and decided to embark on a spiritual vacation. Even after 3 years, it can still strike. 🐍