Thursday, April 14, 2022

This Generation Is Worse Than Noah's Generation


I AM God just like in the days of Noah. I the Lord God warned the earth for 40 years that I the Lord God Almighty will destroy the earth, but they laughed at Noah and didn't listen to My words, for they said in their hearts "let us continue in our wicked ways for there is no God". This generation is worse than Noah's generation.

The days of the Russian President are numbered after the world war begins and he shall fulfill my prophecy for this reason I the Lord God Almighty created President Putin and President Joe Biden is about to make an announcement that will shock the world, and the time will come when destruction shall move from city to city, around the world and people will be given less than 10 mins warning to say their last prayers, for the missiles shall strike different towns in those days and the Presidents will warn them in some cases and it shall come to pass that some presidents shall know and not warn the people. 

The time for the Ukraine President to be captured and killed is at hand and his fortress shall be brought down after he fulfills prophecy. There shall be great slaughters in the weeks to come. Do not listen to the rumors of peace for this things were planned by men. They think they are wise, but they are fulfilling My prophecies and preparing the way for My Coming.

Watch for Germany. They shall be on fire soon and Côte d'Ivoire (West African country) shall experience something that has never happened since its foundation. It will be for a sign that the time of depopulation in mass has begun and it shall make news headlines.

Sweden shall stand to prepare for war and it shall receive an attack to provoke her to battle and woe unto her in those days. Canada shall soon be involved in a great conflict all these things are the signs of the beginning of the end and yet a new beginning, for the new world the one that shall be ruled by the anti-Christ the man of sin.

Holland, oh Holland how long did I the Lord God Almighty warn thee. Now thy destruction has come. Europe, you shall trouble thy selves like in the days of thy father's again for you did not repent and you stopped My worship and worship idols in your houses.

America I keep telling thee thy cities shall burn and it shall be no more, I the Lord God Almighty I shall only save My elect, woe unto Russia, woe unto German.

Nigeria the time of the civil war is close and the thing that shall spark the war is at hand and the president Buhari shall see My Hand for these terrorists shall be a story of the past and the country shall face the face. Yes it shall face the war and the tribal cleaning and killings shall continue until the numbers of the dead are complete. Then Buhari will receive My judgment. and bombs are all over the country but I the Lord God Almighty shall expose many.

Thus says the Lord God Almighty, Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Adonai Adonai Adonai Holy Holy Holy is the Lord God of Host in Jesus Mighty Name Amen.

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