Friday, November 4, 2022

What To Do When God Is Silent

Sometimes your answer from God is not what you want to hear but the Holy Ghost will always answer you. He is the one that leads and speaks for God to you.

I just want to obey all you ask of me. So teach me, Lord, for you are my God. Your gracious Spirit is all I need, so lead me on good paths that are pleasing to you, my one and only God! ~Psalms 143:10 

This is why the Holy Spirit says, “If only you would listen to his voice this day! Don’t make Him angry by hardening your hearts, like your ancestors did during the days of their rebellion when they were tested in the wilderness. ~Hebrews 3:7-8  

When The Holy Spirit Says NO:
• If the Prayer Request is ever wrong.
• When your prayers are Selfish and your motives are driven by PRIDE in the heart.
• Wrong choice of words. 
• Resentment to another. 
• When you cannot forgive.
• Secret Sin. 
• It violates another’s rights.
• When it is for a Selfish Desire and it does not fill a Godly Need. 
• Having a Bad Attitude.
• When God’s Glory is not Present.
• When your Tongue has a Devilish Fire of Speech, Not having the spoken desires of God.
• Go the wrong direction.
• Have the Wrong thoughts in your head & your heart. Whispering Softly in your ear. 
• When it is none of Your Business. 
• SAYS it in a AUTO ABLE VOICE abruptly, “No”.

Other Ways When The Holy Spirit Says NO:
** Your Spouse says No. MEN you better listen to that No In The Family. God uses your SPOUSE for you.

** If you learn the Audible Voice of God is one way.
** Number 2 is a nudge in your spirit like a CHECK MARK and you have No PEACE. 
** I guess it is just knowing the .. STILL SMALL VOICE OF THE HOLY GHOST in his leading. 
— Say, "Do not go there."

God Loves You and He is Protecting you from what you do not see what God does.

God Also Says Yes, the same ways with His gentle nudges and whispering into your heart. 

ALWAYS FOLLOW THE PEACE OF GOD. This is part of Hearing God’s Voice. 

David still kept his Faith in God when God did told him No. 

When God Answers YES, then its God’s Business. Things are happening behind the situation that you do not see or understand.

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