Friday, November 4, 2022

Woman Stopped Breathing & Woke Up With A Spine-Chilling Message

Arizona - born Tina Hines left her house for a walk with her husband Brian, but suddenly passed out and suffered a heart attack. The man, far from being scared of her, began to perform CPR maneuvers so that she would not lose her life until the ambulance arrived. 

The woman was put into a coma for doctors to assess the situation and save her, and after half an hour she began to react. "They put a defibrillator on her and after miraculously waking up, the first thing she did, unable to speak because she was intubated, asked for a pen and in my cousins' diary she wrote 'It's Real," the niece said.

“People in the room asked 'what is Real?' and she responded by pointing to the sky with tears in her eyes”, described Maddie Johnson in her post, which reached more than 30 thousand likes and more than a thousand comments. 

Finally, the young woman stated that this experience made her more of a Believer in her faith: “Her story is too real not to share it and it has given me greater confidence in a faith that is so often invisible. She has given me a tangibility to an eternal hope that is not too far away. I love, you Tina. The way you love Jesus and one another has changed the way I hope to live and love .”

Following her experience, Tina Hines wrote a book recounting her experience. “It's real, Heaven. How dying changes living,” she describes on her official page. In addition, in this space, the woman promotes talks in Churches, schools, and congresses to share the feeling she had when she was dead for 27 minutes. 

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