This very day, people are sexually active before marriage more than ever, than in the olden days.
In the United States a century ago, only a small minority of women were sexually active before marriage (about 11 percent), compared to a vast majority today. The same pattern is observed in other developed countries. Why are they more sexually active before marriage?
Most importantly, with the increasing use of effective contraception, young women do not fear an unwanted pregnancy as much as previous generations did.
Another key issue is that the teenagers are less supervised after school now that both parents work full time and can take advantage of this opportunity for sexual activity.
Here Is The Warning!
5-30 minutes of lustful, carnal, erotic, and illicit pleasures with the person whom you are NOT married will instantly cost you, your salvation and send you to hellfire for eternity.
5-30 minutes is too short and temporary, while eternity is longer than you can imagine.
Eternity is permanent. Heaven or Hell is permanent. Your final destination in the afterlife is permanent and cannot be revoked.
Don't make your 5-30 minutes of pleasure turn into an eternity of regret!
Pre-Teens And Teenagers Involved In Erotic And Sexual Pleasure
This very day, people are sexually active before marriage...
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Repent now of adultery, fornication, masturbation, sodomy, and other sexual perversions!
Sincerely plead with Jesus Christ to forgive you and set you free from these sins. He will forgive you and set you free.
And you'll be free indeed. Then sin no more. Don't go back to these sins. Resist it by all means!
Willful sinning displeases Jesus. God is not and must not be mocked.
Always strive to live holy, righteous, and pure with Jesus' help.