
Saturday, August 6, 2022

Should A Christian Listen To Secular Music

When I was a lukewarm Christian, I loved listening to many secular songs, both by local secular artists and international artists. I loved secular music and thought gospel songs were boring.

However, my favorite songs were by Westlife. I knew all their songs, all their lyrics.

But I didn't know that there were demons assigned to make people listen to those songs.

When I got baptized in the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit made me distaste all secular music and secular entertainment in general and I quit listening to it.

At first, when I stopped listening to them the songs would still play in my head. I was so tormented by their songs and I cried out to God to free me from their music.

One-day I just realized I couldn't remember any single song and all their lyrics were completely wiped clean from my head.

I was shocked and couldn't believe it! Even when I tried to remember, I couldn't remember anything. I greatly rejoiced that Jesus had set me free.

One-day as I slept, then I heard a very loud radio on my bed playing Westlife songs with the volume full blast! I tried to wake up but couldn't because this demon was holding my head down and had come with this radio to make me listen to those songs again! I started to call on Jesus and it left!

I also used to love Korean and Filipino soap operas a lot. When I quit watching them after I got baptized in the Holy Spirit, one day I was sleeping and those actors from my favorite movies attacked me. They put a screen in front of me to make me watch their movies, like acting their movies for me again.

Jesus told me that all that secular entertainment, it's not really meant to entertain people but it's meant to take people to hell.

It's a sleeping pill to make people fall into a deep slumber spiritually and normalize sin, glorify what God hates and the main mission is to take people to hell. Secular entertainment takes many people to hell. 

You sin by entertaining yourself by watching people act adultery, fornication, murder, drinking, blaspheming God's name, and normalizing everything God hates.

It's all meant to make a godless life look appealing and teach people that sin is normal. God's children must not take part in anything unclean.  

Through secular cartoons, they teach young children that the normal thing is to have a boyfriend, that witchcraft is normal, and that bad language is normal. They teach people that to be cool, you need to wear a mini skirt, and you need to dress like a prostitute. All those things are done deliberately, they know exactly what they are trying to achieve.

They teach people what kind of lifestyle satan would like them to live; how they should dress, talk, and act, all through secular entertainment of movies, music, cartoons, etc. And even if you do not end up doing all those things you watch, you sin by entertaining yourself by watching things that are abominable to God.

The Holy Spirit lives in you, He's never gone, and then you watch shows with naked women, bad language, sexual sin, and all ungodliness. You grieve God's Spirit and you will walk in the flesh.
If you want to walk in the Spirit you must feed your spirit man with godly things, not feed on sin because you will reap eternal destruction from that.

Secular entertainment will take many people to hell. Satan doesn't sponsor all these things just to entertain you, he doesn't care about entertaining you. It's bait to catch your soul. 

Secular Entertainment Is Bait For Your Soul

By: Rachael Abigail Mushala

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