Friday, August 5, 2022

Transvestism [Cross Dressing] Will Increase

Today I felt, that I should share this message that the Lord gave me on July 15 this year.

It's a short prophecy that God gave me. And yesterday, The Lord reminded me of the same thing. It's a very short message. So it won't take long.

During my prayer time, Jesus spoke to me and said, "Transvestism."

When He said this, I remembered I saw this word somewhere but didn't know what it meant.

He then said, "Transvestism will Increase." This word was in repetition because I saw this inscription in a vision accompanied by the Lord's voice.

It was so strange to me because I didn't even know the exact meaning of this word. All I remembered was that I came across this word when I was watching a video.

So I sat on my bed and I was thinking about what could be the meaning of this word when the Lord began to pressure me more.

The sentence "Transvestism will Increase" was repeated so much, that it was ringing and I sensed the urgency of the message.

I Googled the word "Transvestism" and was shocked to realize that transvestism is an outdated word that we know. It is now called "cross-dressing."

The Lord also said, "Transgender will become widely spread and people will live in abominations and disregard what God has established".

A few days ago, I saw someone who posted about "Jotta A.' He's now changed into a transgender woman. My heart was broken into pieces as I read the unpleasant news about his transformation. He was a good worshipper and I loved him but realized that being a Christian is more than singing and shouting Jesus with your mouth.  


Everyone must be willing to fight the good fight of faith. It is an individual thing. Many people are not built on the cornerstone, who is Jesus. So when the world becomes too attractive to them, they end up yielding to the lust of their flesh. 

The thing is, satan knows what pleases God and what displeases Him. So, he is inventing all this abomination like transgender and promoting it in powerful nations. I've seen celebrities banned and losing support because they spoke negatively about homosexuality or transgender.

This is how satan is spreading homosexuality and transgender. And in America, there's something called "Drag Queens." These are men dressed in female clothes with high heels, full of excessive make-up and wigs.

This trend is very popular in America. I've also heard that cases where children are involved with "Drag Queens" trying to brainwash children into accepting such detestable things to the Lord.

Also, the Lord revealed to me a Worldly Musician whom I've edited his picture in that collage photo, who is not human but a demon. He was in a musical group called "One Direction".

I was really shocked when the Lord told me this singer is a demon incarnate, and he's one of the male celebrities who shot for vogue in different female dresses and clothes promoting cross-dressing as a normal (ordinary) and cool thing to do. 

It's a mission he received from his master satan to put on female clothes and shoot for Vogue, one of the most famous fashion magazines. 

Any spiritual person will know, that this is not a good sign because the devil is about to launch another abomination. Thus, he's informing the world that he has come up with something and people should accept it because that's how the world has always been, embracing the filth and abomination of satan and living it as normal.

So the Lord was showing me the picture of "Jotta A" being a transgender and he was saying, "Transgenders will not enter my kingdom."

At that time, I saw a place in hell readily prepared for Jotta because of what he has done to his body. I saw his image and a place in hell that was full of fire to the point that the fire was illuminating the whole place. There is a condemnation on him already and a place prepared in hell because of despising God's perfect creation and changing himself from a man to a woman. But to God, there's no such thing as a Trans-woman or trans-man. All Transgender will go straight to hell if they do not turn from their wicked ways.

Transgender, Crossdressers, Transvestites, Drag Queens, LGBTQIA  (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, Asexual, And (Agender) and all people of such kinds will go to Hell for breaking the Holy Commandments of God by following their lusts.

The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are an abomination unto the LORD thy God. ~Deuteronomy 22:5 

God told me to speak about this, so I am. Let us pray for our friends, and families especially children who are the next generation and the main target of satan to brainwash them into accepting abomination as a culture through cartoons, entertainment, music, movies, talk shows, and social life. The world is not a safe place to entrust our loved ones. May we surrender them to our Jesus Christ of Nazareth. 

By: Allen Mziray

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