
Wednesday, July 27, 2022

This Can Kill Your Prayer Life

The reason most people have never heard God speak is that they never stop long enough to let God speak to them. Haste kills prayer! You have to stop. You have to be calm. And you have to wait carefully.

The best way to do this is if you get up early, so you won't be in a rush and be able to have some time and start your day with God.

If I tell you that tomorrow at 4 am the Queen of England, and the President of your country, all together want to meet you privately, you probably won't even go to sleep tonight. You would take a shower – you would probably take a shower twice! You would go to a barbershop or beauty salon that is open all night, and you would buy a new suit or clothes to be presentable. You would be at the appointment at least 30 minutes early.  

Guess what? The creator of the universe wants to meet with you tomorrow morning! You don't have to be dressed presentably. You can be in your pajamas. You don't even have to leave the house. But you have to plan a date. That means you have to stop doing something so you can do what God wants. You have to decide what is more important to you: Another 30 minutes of entertainment or some time with God each morning.

Your day is filled with many important responsibilities, commitments, and activities. But time with God is the most important and vital appointment that may appear on your calendar tomorrow!

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