Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Real Facts About Heaven That Will Surprise You

I went right into Heaven. It was so much bigger than I have seen it before.  

I started to travel through a path with many colors around. I was flying and then switched to another road that was leading deeper into the Kingdom of GOD. Then I came into a beautiful, endless paradise.  

I was constantly telling the LORD, “Please let me remember all this when I come back so that I can document it accurately.”  I was enveloped by light, and wind, and moving at a great speed. 

When you go to Heaven, you first arrive in paradise and the first thing you see is color. It is so splendidly arrayed with millions of diverse colors. Also, the glory of the LORD shines in all directions.  It is beautiful and gorgeous, and there are vast endless jungles. 

“To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of GOD.” ~Revelation 2:7b  

There is mostly nature, mountains, hills, valleys, trees, grass, flowers, and soil, etc.  The topography looks like the earth, only far more glorious. It looks like a beautiful sunrise. It‟s like when one arrives on an earthly June morning!  

Also, there are thousands of animal species, and birds of all kinds, and there are millions upon millions of angels, saints, and other heavenly creatures.  

 There are bodies of water, seas, and divided streams of water that‟s branched off from the river of life.  It is huge, looks endless, and everything there emits light: glory and life.  

I was flying the whole time and I was talking to the LORD by projecting my thoughts onto HIM and HE was answering me in an audible voice.  

Also, we were switching from one level of Heaven to the other at the speed of thought. We passed paradise, entered the majestic City of Heaven, and saw incredible structures, buildings, and mansions, too beautiful for words. 

After observing some things, the LORD then took me out of Heaven into the celestial air around it.  I could see the huge glowing globe of Heaven. It looked golden from where I was and the LORD started to show me the architecture—the infrastructure of heaven.  Then it was like we were looking at an atlas: a detailed three-dimensional map.  

There were coasts, and islands, and I saw many cities, towns, villages, and express roads. You don't know how amazed and startled I was by that. 

I saw names of them, thousands of them, but it was written in a language I did not know or understand what it meant, until the LORD, by HIS Mighty Power translated some of the names into English so I could see what they meant.  

It was a very highly complex design. GOD was flipping pages of the beginning and I was reviewing Heavenly books with the lenses of eternity that he has given me.

“Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in GOD, believe also in me. In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you, I go to prepare a place for you”. ~John14:1-2 

The LORD said, “All these, are prepared for MY children.”  

 We could navigate from one part of Heaven to the other at an unbelievable speed. At the point when we were still floating over the golden globe, the LORD would say to me, “See that, See that!”, as different scenes were passing before my eyes. 

Then we rushed into Heaven, passing through express roads of light and diverse colors.  We were coming towards things too deep to express in words. There are deep secrets that I was shown and things you would not understand, even if I tried to describe them to you! 

And the LORD said, “Don’t reveal that!” and not that I would, I have no ability whatsoever to put it on paper!!   The second message GOD revealed is that 

“There is a prepared Heaven for a prepared people: HIS children who are pure, faithful, and obedient unto HIM.” 

“And I say unto you, That many shall come from the east and west and shall sit down with Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, in the kingdom of heaven.” M't:8:11. 

Many of those who come from east and west are believers from amongst the nations, those who have washed their robes in the Blood of the Lamb. Not everyone that saith unto me, LORD, LORD, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. M't:7:21: 

The LORD makes it clear, that not every person who confesses HIM with his mouth is really saved, only the Pure-hearted, the obedient, and those who please Him, those are the only ones who will enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

~Othusitse Mmusi

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