Friday, March 18, 2022

COVID-19 Patients Outside The Hospital

The fifth wave of the epidemic broke out. The beds in public hospitals was close to full, and a large number of patients were waiting outside the emergency room for review and hospitalization. 

In the emergency room, a large number of patients were waiting on their beds, and some people put on felt or aluminum paper to keep warm. 

Ho Wan-xia, Chief Administrative Manager, pointed out that the elderly or people with special medical needs will be arranged to wait indoors as much as possible, and the staff will pay more attention to them.

He also said that due to the recent overload of patients in the department, the organization has set up tents in covered and ventilated areas outside to allow suspected cases of infection to wait to separate ordinary patients from suspected cases. 

He pointed out that some people are relatively stable, so they will be arranged to wait outdoors and in sheltered places, while the elderly or people with special needs will try to be arranged indoors, but stressed that the number of people is large, and the bureau has made arrangements as much as possible. 

He appealed to the family members to accompany the elderly to wait as much as possible, and asked the hospital staff to pay more attention to the needs of the elderly.

In addition, the Hospital Authority announced that eight people are currently in critical condition, including a 3-year-old girl who is hospitalized at the Hong Kong Children's Hospital. 

More than 100 doctors and nurses are initially positive, most of them were infected in the community and at home, and a total of about 30 staff were listed as close contacts.

While more than 10 patients were initially screened and tested positive, and there were more than 60 patients in the same room classified as close contacts.

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