Thursday, May 12, 2022

When I Entered The Mortuary

The day I entered the mortuary, what I saw was indescribable.

Dead bodies are laid down on the bare floor and completely naked. They were more than fifty. Some bodies were placed on the tables while others were placed in the storage cabinets. Women and Men were placed together. They were dead and completely naked with their private parts uncovered.

When we pushed Mr. John inside, the attendant removed all his clothes. He was dead and naked. They placed his body on a plank of wood. I looked at him but he could not fight back. He could not use his hands to cover his nakedness and I asked myself, what is this life all about?  

If you go to the mortuary you will realise that...
📌 The poor will die some day, the rich also dies someday.
📌 Both the rich and poor are sharing the some room.
📌 The poor will be buried six feet underneath the ground, the rich also will be buried six feet underneath the ground. 

Both the rich and poor, white and black, tall and short, fat and slim, ugly and beautiful, the only thing we all have in common is breath and death. Take it or leave it!

👉 Why are we struggling to possess everything?
👉 Why are we having pride and ego as if we own the world?
👉 Why can't we forgive one another and know that vanity over vanity and all is nothing but vanity?

In the Mortuary, house owners, degree holders, car owners, all kinds of people were lying on top of one another, naked without any shame. 

Ladies too, with different hairstyles, how they dressed in fashion are now naked in the mortuary.   

Life is nothing! The position in your company is for a while. Riches and wealth are temporary. I don't know when you and I are leaving this world. 

But I know of what will happen to us when we are no more.
Let us be better than yesterday.
Let us be more humble than yesterday.
Let us be more forgiving than yesterday.
Let us be more humane than before.

Because I have seen that life is nothing and death is certain. 


I hope this message makes someone out there re-evaluate his or her life.

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