Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Madonna And The Kabbalah Cult

Madonna and David 17 have shared pictures showing that they have printed similar tattoo depicting kabbalah tree of life/knowledge On their hands. 

Most of the celebrities who are Members of the kabbalah cult are identified by the red bracelets on their hands. In April 2011 the day Madonna first landed home country with little David after completing adoption she was pictured at the airport putting on a kabbalah red bracelet on the little boy's arm. 

The Kabbalah is the basis of nearly every occult tradition there is and is probably one of the MAJOR Satanic books of our day, with APOSTATE Jewish Rabbis as the Kabbalah’s greatest promoters! 

The Kabbalah is JEWISH MYSTICISM and MAGIC, which the New Age Movement, in these Last Days, has adopted as DOCTRINE. Kabbalah is the counterfeit of Satan; a mixture of demonic, pagan philosophy and esoteric gnosticism. 

The FACT that OCCULT GROUPS worldwide cherish the Kabbalah should speak volumes to anyone who may consider it a holy book. IT IS NOT!

The Kabbalah adheres to the moto, "as above, so below." This ancient occult phrase, taught from the days of the Egyptian/Greek god, Hermes, also has the doctrine that all things are One, that there is no God outside of us, that heaven and earth are now and have always been a unity, and that we, ourselves, are collectively "God." The earth is God, the stars are God, nature is God. All is One. All is Divine. 

This FALSE DOCTRINE dethrones God and enthrones MAN. It unites ALL religions and states that there is no separate Heaven or Hell.

The modern-day Kabbalah is none other than the apostate mysticism of BABYLON, which began not long after God destroyed the world with the Flood in Noah’s day. It began with the Nephilim Nimrod at the Tower of Babel and has been the theme of THIS WORLD ever since. It is not NEW, but is in fact the PAGAN belief-system of old, passed down from Satan himself. 

It never died out; it continued on into the first advent of Jesus until now and this apostate religion will finally come to its end at the soon appearing of Jesus in these Last Days.

Its teachings come from an ancient book called the Zohar, which offers so-called interpretations of the “INNER” meaning of the Torah. According to Jewish tradition, this so-called knowledge has come down through the centuries, being preserved only by a privileged few. II Peter 1:20 says, “Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.” So, according to the Bible, ANYONE can understand the Bible. Kabbalists would have us believe that it is the Jewish Rabbis who are the experts on the knowledge of God and that couldn’t be further from the truth! The Kabbalah was written by Jewish Pharisees and Jesus told the Pharisees in that day that they “were of their father, the Devil.

The Pharisees, when Jesus was on earth, were a “religious sect” who were the rabbis and priests of the Temple at that time. Jesus recognized them for who they REALLY were….they were of the SEED of Satan, the offspring of the Nephilim. (Genesis 6). They were NOT true Jews, but were, impersonating themselves as true Jews. The Jewish elders had brought the Mysteries into the Jewish Temple and had conducted secret ceremonies in hidden chambers, which were being done also in the days of the prophet Ezekiel and you can read about these secret ceremonies, done in the Temple, in Ezekiel 8. They held to the same doctrine as the Zohar and Jesus pronounced “WOE” to them!.

The Kabbalah PRETENDS to be about Jewish History and those who study it believe that they are reading an ancient series of books containing HIDDEN knowledge about the Bible and about the Universe. Quite a few of the Hollywood celebrities are Kabbalists. Look closely when you see celebrities on TV or pictured in magazines and you’ll often see the characteristic red string bracelet they wear. Lately, former President Bill Clinton has been spotted wearing it.

Kabbalist mysticism is the basis for Freemasonry, Rosicrucianism, the Illuminati, Knights Templar, and many other occult organizations. The United States was founded on this Kabbalistic mystical belief-system. All you have to do is look at the mystical symbols on the back of the United States One Dollar Bill for proof of that. The United Nations has long been one of the foremost world promoters of this Babylonian system, with the purpose of establishing a "New World Order" based on ancient occult and freemasonic principles. William Jasper, author of "A New World Religion" describes the religion of the UN: "...a weird and diabolical convergence of New Age mysticism, pantheism, aboriginal animism, atheism, communism, socialism, Luciferian occultism, apostate Christianity, Islam, Taoism, Buddhism, and Hinduism". 

Let me add that the Jews are God’s chosen people and there are many Christian Jews. The Babylonian religion (stemming from Nimrod) and the writers of the Zohar and the Kabbalah were and are NEPHILIM (seed of Satan), CLAIMING to be Jews! (Revelation says, “Who SAY they are Jews and are NOT, but are of the synagogue of Satan!”) They are the hideous hybrids of Satan. The Kabbalah originates from the pits of HELL and is a compilation of confusing Babylonian, Pharisaic, mystical hogwash….So for those of you who still think its ok to dabble in the Kabbalah, please TAKE HEED to this message and come out from among these workers of iniquity.

Satan has appealed to the masses through the Kabbalah, by telling them there is “HIDDEN KNOWLEDGE” that is there for them to partake of, just like he tempted Eve and got her to eat of the Tree of the KNOWLEDGE of Good and Evil. Even though the Kabbalah speaks of peace and goodness, it is NOT Bible-centered whatsoever! It is one of the most DECEPTIVE books on the market today and its PURPOSE is to draw the reader away from the TRUTH that is found only in Jesus Christ and His Word. “ONLY” through JESUS can we have everlasting life in Heaven! You CANNOT climb up any other way. I challenge anyone to show proof of a clear Gospel presentation in the Kabbalah. 

Jesus clearly said that He was the ONLY Way to the Father (John 14:6). Jesus said, "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No man cometh unto the Father but by ME."” But the Kabbalah teaches that the adepts are gods unto themselves and speaks of the same thing that Satan used to tempt Eve with…ie… "Ye shall be as gods."

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