Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Dreams Interpretation Or Spiritual Dreams


Get your dreams interpreted here!

Jeremiah 33:3 says, "Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not." 

Job 33:14-15 says, "For God speaketh once, yea twice, yet man perceiveth it not. In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falleth  upon men, in slumberings upon the bed."

When you dream and find yourself under incarceration or bottled, police cell or in a cage i.e. where freedom of movement or will is prohibited. It indicates there is a serious hindrance presently in your life spiritually and physically. It also may indicate that your life is in danger in the hand of witches and wizards or your enemies. It may also indicate your progress is been hindered. 

When in a dream, you are being shot with a gun by somebody but it couldn’t harm you, or it missed you, it means there was danger in your life but God delivered you, if you are shot and wounded, then it shows your life is presently in danger and you are somehow powerless or overcomed already. If someone is chasing you with gun, then it depicts danger looms around you. 

33. THIEVES / LOSS  OF  kg
When you dream and find your car stolen or your house burgled or shop broken through by thieves but you wake up to see that nothing has taking place. You are getting warning security signals to beef up your security both physically and spiritually. If you lost money in your dreams, then watch over your financial dealings with man or God. 

When you dream and you or someone close to you is involved in a fatal accident. It indicates there is danger ahead except you pray. If you are afraid about your travelling, don't go without pleading the blood of Jesus over your journey. 

When you dream where you are plucking ripe fruits, it indicates that God is about to bless you. It shows that God will soon reward you for your labour. Pray and watch out for the opportunity God will open for your blessing and be diligent, alert and obedient to
God’s word. 

This means you will soon be favoured maritally especially when you are presently in a serious relationship. This dream is an eye opener from God to stay calm that the person will end up marrying you.This dream can only come to pass when you see that same man whom you are dating physically coming to you for proposal in the dream. It's a sign that he has a clear plan to marry you if you can organise yourself well. God is in charge of this relationship. Pray well to scatter any witchcraft plan against you. 

When you dream and find yourself crying for joy, it is a good dream. It means something great is coming on your way but when you see yourself crying with grief and pain, it indicates devils plan to feed you with the bread of sorrow and mourning. Reject it now. Handle this verse well. (PS 30:5;John 16:20.) Pray like this, any power planning to make you shed tears of sorrow shall die in Jesus name. 

To fight in the dream means you have enemies who are planning to deal with you. Fighting in the dream indicates spiritual warfare. If you are able to fight and run away successfully, it is a sign of victory. If you are running away from your pursuers, it means deliverance from captivity. (Pray and  fast  for 1 day using  PS 70, Eph 6:11-12).

Market is a place where demonic activities are transacted to buy and sell. If you see yourself in the market,means witchcraft plan to enslave you and to initiate you into their demonic World Trade. If you are a business person, this dream leads to the failure of business and lack of spiritual power. When this dream become frequent, it becomes mental disturbance. Rise up and challenge this powers trying to project loss and stagnant onto your life.

It indicate stagnancy and slow progress. if you pick up snails from the ground, means you are going through hardship and struggle. A life where no one is helping you. Don't worry it shall be well in Jesus name. If you dream where the snail is crawling,moving but without getting getting to its final destination, this is a sign of setback and failure. Though, there is no success without failure, mistakes etc, you are going to make it in life but it will gradual. Be patient with God. It will surely come to pass in Jesus name.

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