Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Immoral Fashion, Style & Clothes

Most people admire an individual and celebrities who are fair-skinned, flawless with perfect glowing skin. Even while they are dressed with immodest clothing, they comment on their post and videos saying: 😍😘❤

♦️ You look great! 

♦️ Gorgeous!

♦️ You look sexy! 

♦️ Very pretty!

♦️ Amazing look!

♦️ Super cute! 

♦️ Wow, beautiful!

♦️ So hot!

Most of the modern women are copying the celebrities who follow the "Brothel Fashion".

These so-called "hot celebrities" will end up in the hottest place afterlife if they do not repent and accept Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. Half-dressed is still nakedness in God's Holy Eyes!

Nakedness in God's sight refers to a woman exposing her legs, thighs, cleavage, tight dress, sheer tops, plunging necklines, and leggings which show the curves, shape, contours, and anatomy of your body. 

The evil one has deceived many women of this generation that exposing your thighs, shape of the hips and wearing plunging neckline dress showing cleavage is fashionable and attractive, while the devil and his wicked are laughing and mocking at such ladies because they know that, if they die in that state they are going straight to hellfire. 

They are also causing many men to commit adultery in their hearts by lusting after the women's nakedness and sin before a God who is known as Holy, Righteous One, the Judge of All the Earth. 

A man's mind does not stop a woman's moving her feet, but he is tempted and must force himself to think pure or allow that lust. 

A Godly woman understands this truth and is "Very Careful" not to arouse the opposite sex with her body movements and uncovering flesh. Women must be careful and alert. 

God Hates Immorality, Seductiveness & Immodest Clothing:

It's time for Christian ladies to wake up and make a vow with their own body as a living sacrifice unto the Lord in purity. 

The devil has influenced and lowered many women's bodies as an instrument of lust. God wants all men and women to turn away from nakedness, seductiveness, immoral dressing, and sensual clothing.

The Days Are Evil:

We are living in a wicked world where people call evil good. They think it is perfectly acceptable for women to wear a tight dress, half dresses, mini-skirt, and expose their cleavage, body shape, and thighs and legs seductively in a sensual manner

There are many women in the Church, streets, offices, and media exposing their legs (mini-skirt), thighs, curves, and cleavage to be admired and praised. The Bible calls it "Wickedness". 

It's a sin for a woman to expose her body. A woman's body is very "Seductive" and "Sensitive" to a man. Christian women and ladies ought to wear skirts that go beyond their knees, loose and somewhat baggy. 

Clothing materials should not be of a sheer fabric which is "See-Through" with the sun behind you. Many women wear thin clothing that reveals "Everything" when standing with the sun behind them.

How You Dress Speak Much About You!

The way you dress affects the way you feel. If you dress like a harlot (Jezebel), that is how you are going to feel about yourself. 

You can't deny that, not unless Satan has killed your consciousness. The way you dress, speak volume about you.

Don't follow the crowd because the crowd is always wrong. You are on the broadway, leading you to the path of destruction. 

For they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God. ~John 12:43

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