Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Watching Porn Invite Demons

You can't expect to make Heaven at last if you willful sin by indulging into pornography. 

How can you claim to be a Believer when you keep pornographic videos and photos. Repent from such wickedness. God sees what is done in secret. 

Many people will miss heaven because of pornography and lustful thoughts. Pornography is one of the contributing factors of divorce in most marriages. 

When you watch pornographic movies as a couple in your bedroom you're actually inviting wicked evil spirits of sexual immorality and perversion, these evil spirits will cause your marriage to break up.

By watching pornographic movies and copying those wicked sex styles in those movies you are actually giving legal ground for evil spirits to ruin your marriage. The marriage bed should be kept holy because God sees what's done in the darkness. God is Holy therefore we should pursue his Holiness.

You can't keep your marriage if you continue to participate in demonic sex styles, doggy style, "blow job" sucking one's private body parts, etc. Those are some of the things that invite demonic spirits which will cause trouble in your marriages. Keep that marriage bed Holy and pure. Stop watching demonic pornographic movies.

Remember the devil is against marriage, and he will do everything to destroy many marriages especially in these endtimes. Keep Holiness in your marriage. Keep Jesus Christ in your marriage. Keep the presence of the Holy Spirit in your marriage.

Those spiritual wives and spiritual husband are invited through watching and participating in pornography. Pornography opens the door to many wicked demons.

Watching pornographic movies is one reason why people will keep manifesting in churches. You have entered into satanic covenants with the devil through watching pornography and participating in those evil acts.

Watching pornographic movies is one of the reasons why you're not receiving answers to your prayers. Even if you keep night vigils and embark on 40 days prayer and fasting but as long as you keep pornographic videos and photos, God will not answer you. First take the evil out of God's sight and pray, you will see that indeed God answers prayers.

Don't blame God when you see your prayers not been answers. Check your life first and remove those pornographic movies and photos out of God's sight.

Jesus Christ is coming for a Holy bride without spot or wrinkle. Holiness is crucial in the kingdom of God.

⚠️ Repent from Pornography.

⚠️ Repent from Masturbation.

⚠️ Repent from lustful thoughts.

⚠️ Repent from dressing "sexy to kill" causing men to lust after you.

Pursue GOD's Righteousness and Holiness. Jesus Christ is coming back anytime from now.

Bible Reading Text 📖

Article By: Malven Philipo

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