Sunday, March 20, 2022

Hillsong Church Does Satanic Buddhist Dance

I want you to think about this with your mind for a moment before you watch the video.

What would happen if you were to take a Lady Gaga concert and mix it with Cirque de Soleil performance and then put a bunch of half-naked people on the stage.

Then put occult symbolism everywhere and make the people on stage sing Christmas songs. What would that look like? I could imagine it looking a lot like the Hillsong Christmas celebration.

Recently discovered video from Hillsong Sweden shows their Christmas Service, featuring the Pagan Buddhist Ritual which is the ‘Dance Of A Thousand Hands’.
This performance is from Hillsong Church located in Sweden. It is very well performed and nothing more than christless entertainment.

The performance starts with "Kiki, do you love me? Are you riding? Say you'll never ever leave from beside me 'Cause I want ya, and I need ya, and I'm down for you always?". 

The song is cleaned up, keeping out the copious amount of f-bombs, n-bombs, and sexually explicit language this song features. 

Let's analyze what he's singing. It's obviously not about Jesus. He's singing a secular song from an artist called Drake "In My Feelings", a typical rap song followed with the pagan performance which is the Buddhist ritual called ‘Dance Of A Thousand Hands’.

While the troupe dances, you’ll notice that they have the same hand and finger positioning as the goddess, as portrayed in the pictures of idol sculptures and graven images. Similarly, there is an enormous lotus highlighted prominently behind the background screen, equivalent to Kuan Shi Yin.

Hillsong chose this particular raunchy song to honor our Savior, Jesus Christ on Christmas in a Hindu-themed performance.

I don't know whether this dance is based on the "Buddhist Dance" of a thousand arms or the "Hindu Baristava" with a thousand arms or something to do with the "Hindu Goddess Brahmacharini" but it's all one and ungodly.

Hillsong Church has got to be the most worldly Church on the planet. These people are compromising God's word by mixing the worldly and ungodly things which looks entertaining to the lost.

The Word of God Says in 1 John 2:15-16
Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world - the desires of the flesh, the desires of the eyes, and the pride of life - is not from the Father but from the world.

So if you are liking this type of entertainment and yet you continue going to this type of Church, then you need to seriously seek God and question where your true passion lies.

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