Saturday, November 12, 2022

Mother Of A Child Attacked By A Crocodile

Mother of a child attacked by a crocodile: "It was hard to see how my son was taken into the river." She said that the little boy was on the sand, on the river bank when the crocodile attacked him.

According to the boy's mother, the attack occurred when the little boy was in the sand. She was heartbroken because she still cannot believe that a crocodile has taken her little son, Julio Otero, 8 years old.

The worst of all is that she witnessed the animal's attack, she even fought with all her might against him to try to save the little boy's life, but she did not succeed.

"We didn't see it (the crocodile), we don't know where it came from. It was hard for me to see how the crocodile took my son into the river, I screamed for them to help me, but nobody helped me," Mother said to the News outlet. 

They found his Jeans shorts that would have been attacked by a crocodile. So far the authorities have not found the boy's body. 

The tragic event occurred after 5 in the afternoon this Sunday on the banks of the Matina River.

The mother said that that day she, her sister, her nephew, and little Julio decided to go to that river to spend a nice time together, without imagining that this family outing was going to end in tragedy.

"We decided to go bathe in the river, we didn't leave the house, but we decided to go play with the water in the river because we are here pressed in the house, so we wanted to go out and have a little fun, but we didn't We knew the tragedy that was going to happen,” he said.

According to Fernández, at the time of the attack his son was not even in the water, he added that they never managed to see that the crocodile was approaching Julio.

Crocodiles would have dragged the body of a child to its burrow, rescuers presume.

“We were in the dry, in the sand, when suddenly that animal jumped at the child, then I jumped on top of it to grab the child, but the animal tried to attack me and almost bit my legs, I wanted it. remove but I couldn't do it,” the mother said.

The distraught mother said that this was not the first time they had gone to that river, they had already visited it on other occasions and had never seen a crocodile anywhere near.

"If you knew things, you wouldn't leave the house," he added.

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