
Friday, March 25, 2022

How To Spot A Hypocrite

Do you know anyone who’s as phony as a three-dollar bill? They say one thing yet do another; they make rules but don’t follow them; and they live one way in public yet another in private. They’re so dishonest, they could be called professional liars. In fact, many hypocrites even lie to themselves. Are you a hypocrite?

Sometimes folks are unaware that they’re being two-faced, but oftentimes they know exactly what they’re doing. They’re trying to manipulate the truth, conceal an embarrassment, or compensate for a weak line of reasoning. In any case, hypocrites know the real truth, but they’re afraid that revealing it may have negative consequences — so they mislead. Hypocrites know the truth but fail to reveal it.

There are many ways that hypocrisy rears its ugly head. Here are 23 ways to spot a hypocrite:

1.     Say one thing but do another.

2.     Treat those in power differently than they act toward underlings.

3.     Give advice but fail to follow their own guidance.

4.     Preach tolerance but judge others who don’t conform to their way of thinking.

5.     Volunteer others but rarely raise their own hand.

6.     Live one way in public but another in private.

7.     Pretend to be someone they’re not merely to win acceptance.

8.     Make rules but fail to follow the rules themselves.

9.     Preach morality but live a shameful life.

10. Demand things of others that they’re unwilling to do themselves.

11. Say one thing to someone’s face but another thing behind their back.

12. Pretend to be wealthy even though their bank account is bare.

13. Alter their opinion to gain acceptance from people with differing viewpoints.

14. Condemn the actions of others even though they commit those same acts themselves.

15. Promote a holier-than-thou image merely to offset reckless behavior.

16. Help people only when it’s in their personal interest to do so.

17. Pretend to care when their motive is really self-serving.

18. Demand austerity for others but handsomely compensate themselves.

19. Feign outrage even though they have no intention of doing anything about it.

20. Penalize some folks for wrongdoings but look the other way for others.

21. Lecture people about morality but cover up for their friends.

22. Judge others but call people intolerant when they’re personally judged.

23. Act one way when folks are looking; the opposite when they’re not.

Hypocrisy is an addiction. You dupe people once and think you can get away with it again. But although you may think that you’re fooling the world, you’re only kidding yourself. People are on to you, and the ramifications are worse than you think.

How can you be a trusted friend, respected parent, credible role model, or an effective leader if you’re living a lie? As the saying goes, “Some people are like pennies. Two-faced and worthless.”

Authentic people are genuine — they’re confident in their beliefs and are true to themselves. People who have strength of conviction don’t obstruct the truth. They don’t fear what people may think, what folks may say, or that some people may challenge or reject their views. They are true to their principles, own their actions, and most importantly, they’re true to themselves. Period!

Be the real you. Listen to your conscience. Form your own opinions. And live your life with honor. One of the best rewards from achieving success is knowing that you earned your achievements through hard work, commitment, and integrity. The same is true of living a good life. Believe in yourself. Be authentic. Live the truth! At the end of the day, be proud of what you do and who you are. After all, you have to live with yourself for the rest of your life.

Article By: Frank Sonnenberg

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