Friday, March 11, 2022

Hell | No Exot & No Return

There are things you can do on earth and reverse them.

There are places you can go now, and you can come back later.

There are people you are seeing now, you will still meet them later.

A prisoner may still come back home after many years.

There are chances that you might reconcile with your enemies.

The car you bought can be sold; the clothes you bought can be sold; you can pack out from the flat you rented; you can resign from the job you accepted.

🔥But get ready for this Truth! 🔥

Anyone that goes to Hell after death, can't come back again. 

❌ No amount of "prayer" can save them.
❌ No amount of "pleading" can help them.
❌ Calling the name of "Jesus" in Hell is a waste of time.
❌ Calling their "family" can't help them.
❌ Calling their "pastor" can't save them.
❌ Calling their "relatives" can't do anything for them.
Because Hell Is A Point Of No Return

❌ Confessing Sin in Hell is a waste of time.
❌ Their offering and tithe won't help.
❌ Their service for God on earth will not count.
❌ Years of labor will be in vain.
❌ Educational achievement will be a curse.
❌ Fake church titles will attract more punishment.
❌ Active participants and volunteers in Church who were living unholy will end up in Hell.
❌ Ministers and Pastors who did not preach the truth will end up in Hell.
Because Hell Is A Point Of No Return

❌ $850, 000, 000,000,000,0000 as bank account balance won't save your soul.
❌ Private Jets won't help you. 
❌ Luxury Cars cannot drive you into hell.
❌ U.S Marine, CIA, FBI are powerless and cannot rescue you.
Because Hell Is A Point Of No Return

❌ If all the houses a man has sold and given to the poor, it cant reverse the decision of God if he or she is living unholy and unrighteous before the Holy God.

Once someone enters Hell; it is the point of no return. Please, don't go there!!

Repent and Accept Jesus Christ while you still have the time! (John 3:16)

Mathematicians Say:
🔺 Life is like a line segment drawn from point (b) to point (d). 

🔺 What is point (b) to point (d)? 
It's from point of Birth (b) to point of Death (d). 

🔺 So life starts from the moment we are Born (b) until the day we Die (d). 
But in the middle of b (Birth) and d (Death) is a mysterious (c). 

🔺 What is (c) then? 
It is Christ. If we put Christ in the middle of our life (Birth ---> Christ ---> Death) our life will not end at (d) but extend to (e). 

🔺 What is (e)? It's Eternal Life (Heaven). 

🔺 So all those who put Christ in the middle of their life will have "eternal life" after death!

🔺 But those who do not put Christ in the middle of their lives will not have eternal life after death but they have (f) 

🔺 What is (f)? It's Eternal Fire (Hell). 

🔺 The Definition of Life for "Christians" is:
b + c + d  =  e  [Birth + Christ + Death = Eternal Life] 

🔺 The Mathematical Equation or Definition of Life for "Unbelievers" is: 
(b - c ) + d  =  f  [Birth - Christ) + Death = Eternal Fire] 

🔺 Anyone that avoids (c) must surely lose (e).

For Scriptural References, Please Check The Following:

Do the work of an evangelist now by sharing this message to all your friends, groups, and contacts!

He that wins a soul is wise!!! 

Article By: Gbile Akanni
Edited By: Miriam Ledbetter

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