
Friday, March 25, 2022

Behaviors Of Hypocritical People

1. They are always ready to punish someone. Their "high" moral standards lead them to point the finger of blame at someone and it is not unusual for them to even publicly humiliate or disqualify others. Actually, it is a compensation strategy through which they try to focus attention on the supposed mistakes, weaknesses or deficiencies of the other so that those around them do not realize their discrepancies and/or hypocrisy.

2. They have an aura of moral superiority. Hypocritical people are usually halfway between narcissism and intellectual superiority. They are often victims of the Dunning-Kruger Effect, so that level of arrogance can make us feel lower-level, immature, or just not good enough when we interact with them.

3. The rules never apply to them.  Rules and regulations exist, but they only apply to others. Hypocritical people believe that because they have an innate sense of law and morality, they are above the law and are not bound by it. 

4. The fault is never theirs, they always have an excuse at hand.  Hypocritical people do not usually recognize their discrepancies and errors, even if they are very obvious. These people do not apologize or admit their responsibility, but instead continually resort to excuses. For them, circumstances are always a mitigating factor, and mistakes are never theirs.

5. Do what I say, not what I do. This could be the maxim by which hypocritical people are guided. His actions almost never match his speech or his attitudes with his real values. This is because their main motivation is to look good in front of others and get the most out of it.

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