Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Heatwave Is Expected To Shake All-time Records

South America has the strong heat wave that puts several countries in the region on alert.

A strong heat wave is also affecting Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay and southern Brazil. One of the hottest places on Earth is Argentina.

Avoid exposing yourself to the sun during "peak hours" between 11:00 and 18:00. 

Use sun hats, carry an umbrella, wear sunglasses and light clothing as protection elements. Use sunscreen with at least 20 SPF (Sun Protection Factor). For children, 60 FPS protection is indicated.

Drink plenty of water, wear light-colored clothing, stay out of the sun, eat lightly and reduce physical activity.

Exposure to the sun can cause severe damage to health, mainly to children, the elderly and pregnant women.

It is also advised to maintain special precaution with children who are under 6 years of age, people over 65 years of age, those who perform tasks outdoors and those affected by diabetes, hypertension, obesity, alcoholism or in a condition of disability. They should avoid sun exposure and, if possible, stay in air-conditioned environments.

In case of any symptoms related to heat stroke, urgent medical attention should be requested and, while waiting, stay in a cool, shady place, take a shower or cool off with cold, wet cloths on the head, neck, armpits, and groin area.

Exposure to the sun affect our pets too. Your dog and your cat can also burn in the sun, especially those with white, short or fine hair. If they are exposed to the sun for a long time, they can develop skin problems , such as solar dermatitis or even get skin cancer. Let's keep our pets in cool places no need to expose them to the sun.

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