Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Disney Teaching Children to Embrace LGBT Sexual Lifestyles

They used to be quality family films but they have gone to the dark side now. They are wanting to teach kindergartners about sexuality through their films. Sexuality should be taught by parents

The Conservative American Family Association says Disney's portrayal of gay characters is dangerous because it influences children and could have "grave and eternal consequences."

Some Christian parents have expressed concerns over the upcoming live-action Disney remake of "Beauty and the Beast" which portrays the "gay lifestyle." Disney also featured a scene with same-sex couples kissing in an episode of the cartoon called "Star vs. the Forces of Evil." 

What do children learn by seeing lesbian couples or same-sex kisses? They will definitely learn that homosexuals do exist. While some Christians, including Rev. Franklin Graham, have demanded to boycott "Beauty and the Beast".

The reaction to the current movie by the Christian boycotters are saying loud and clear that homosexuality is the greatest of all sins — greater even than witchcraft and therefore the occult.

Some of the film's stars, like actor Ian McKellen, have also called the controversy surrounding the film "rubbish." He also claimed that the gay moment is nothing "revolutionary." "I know people that detest gay people and make a fuss. It is a very small moment within the movie, nobody should get too excited," the actor insisted. 

The portrayal of homosexuality does not align with the Bible said the AFA Vice-President (American Family Association). 

"This contrast in views about sexual orientation will create a struggle for the child. Do they believe the Bible and their parents, or Disney? Which one is telling the truth?" he said about the questions children can face.

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