
Sunday, March 27, 2022

Married To Christ But Dating The Devil

The Modern Christian message has deceived lots of people into thinking they are saved when they are not. So many Christians do not embrace Holiness and walk in the path of Righteousness. Such are called "Lukewarm Christians" who have one foot in the light and one foot in darkness.

They do not have any desire to grow deeper into Christ and His character, and live Holy. They are merely shallow believers in Him. 

They wear a mask of Holiness in Church and act like the devil for the rest of the week. They watch movies and other programs which belong to the Kingdom of Darkness. They listen to music that belongs to the Kingdom of Darkness. They do things and say things that grieve the Holy Spirit but they do not care because they are blinded by Satan. 

As I pondered this yesterday, it just kind of struck me that Judas was chosen by Jesus.

For Three Years:

🔴 Judas walked with Jesus, 

🔴 Judas sat in learning circles with Jesus, 

🔴 Judas ate with Jesus, 

🔴 Judas slept with Jesus,  

🔴 Judas journeyed with Jesus, 

🔴 Judas saw every miracle Jesus performed,

🔴 Judas heard the teachings of Jesus,  

🔴 Judas was chosen by Jesus,

🔴 Judas was along with his other disciples with Jesus.

Jesus treated Judas so well that none of His disciples were able to detect that it was Judas who would betray Him. 

In fact, Judas was not even a suspect when Jesus said somebody was going to betray Me, the disciples didn't say, "Yes, we know who it is, it's Judas." Nope! He fit in so well that his co-disciples did not know the condition of Judas' heart.

Judas was the treasurer of the Group. He was a friend of all the Apostles. You see, that was his outward appearance but the reality of him comes from scripture.

🚩 Jesus said, "He's Unclean, he's dirty, and he's filthy in his sins."

🚩 John said, "He's a Thief."

🚩 Jesus said, "He's a Betrayer."

🚩 Jesus called him an "Unbeliever." 

And then Jesus said, "Have I not chosen twelve and one of you is a devil." (John 6:70)


That's the reality of someone who was in the presence of Jesus for three years, whose heart was never changed, whose head got full and the fellowship with the others was as wonderful and deep as anything could be but he was never changed and Judas is burning in hell today.


How many of us are like Judas?

How many of us are hypocrites in the Church?

How many of us worship God in vain?

How many of us are pretend to hear the Word of God but not obey God's Word?

How many of us honor God with our lips, but our hearts are far from Him?

How many of us gossip and pray at the same time?

How many of us lie and fast at the same time?

How many of us curse and Praise God at the same time?

How many of us smile, act nice and talk sweetly in front of them but talk trash behind their back?

How many of us hate others and your enemies?

How many of us fail to forgive other?

How many of us have bitterness and resentment in our hearts? 

How many of us give meaningless Offerings? 

How many of us worship God but follow rules taught by men?

In Mark 7:6, Jesus answered them, "Isaiah prophesied correctly about you hypocrites, as it is written: 'These people honor Me with their lips, but their hearts are far from Me.

And in Isaiah 1:15-16, "When you spread out your hands in prayer, I will hide My eyes from you; even though you multiply your prayers, I will not listen. Your hands are covered with blood. Wash and cleanse yourselves. Remove your evil deeds from My sight. Stop doing evil!"

The Modern Church says, "Make a decision for Christ."

Salvation is not just a mental decision but a spiritual transformation. The Holy Spirit resurrects you from spiritual death and when you come to faith, you realize that there is a life to be lived (Holiness and Righteousness) that is totally different from the life you were living (Wickedness and Unrighteousness).

Salvation is being raised from your spiritual death (All people have a sinful nature and thus commit sin, and are spiritually dead. Those who have faith in Jesus Christ are made spiritually alive).

Salvation is having a new mind, a new heart, and you are a new creation. (Ezekiel 36:26)

Salvation is when Jesus and the Father make you their dwelling and they come and reside in you, for your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit. 

Salvation is not just a gift received, it is a daily walk with God. 

Salvation is not a contest but it's a battle, a war. It is a daily dying to our flesh.

You must run the Christian race to the finish line. This race is a marathon and it requires daily discipline and perseverance.  

You must live a life by faith in Jesus Christ and in His word.

You must love Him more than anybody. You must want Him more than anything because everything else in this world seems foolish and trashy.

You're here but you're just getting by because this earth is not your home. You don't have two homes, you just have one home. If it's Jesus, then Heaven is your home and if it's without Jesus, Hell will be your home.


As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. ~Joshua 24:15

Get rid of the idols of your heart and anything that is attached to the kingdom of darkness. Purify yourselves and keep your garments Holy. 

Most importantly, have you ever considered eternity? 

You might think, "Well, I'm on the right track" but you could be heading to Hell. It says in Proverbs 30:12, "There is a way that seems right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death (Hell)." 

The most important thing now is to pray and ask God to reveal your heart and mind. 

But your iniquities (sins) have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid His face from you, that He will not hear. ~Isaiah 59:2

Work out your salvation with fear and trembling! ~Philippians 2:12

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