
Saturday, January 7, 2023

Tiktok Is The Devil In Disguise

TikTok should not be on children's devices.

Attention all parents with children who have a TikTok!

Check on them, check on their accounts, go to their watch history, see what they're watching, and see what's on their FYP (For You Page)!

I was scrolling through my feed and this live popped up and when I tell you I got chills! The devil isn’t hiding anymore y’all! Guard your hearts! Guard your minds and souls! Stay prayed up! The devil is out like a roaring lion! Be safe y’all!

My daughter does not have any social media, and seeing this made me feel like I’m doing the right thing to keep her off! Children are so easily manipulated. 

I have a lot of school kids who follow my social media accounts, and their parents as well! That’s why I stated, parents check their kid's accounts, and kids be careful with what they see!


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